Ryanair UK pilots vote to accept pay offer | News

Pilots at all 15 Ryanair UK pilot bases – including London Stansted which had previously rejected an improved pay deal – have voted to accept pay increases of up to 20 per cent.

Following the decision, increases will be paid next week in the January payroll. 

It comes as the low-cost carrier seeks to diffuse tensions with staff as demand for pilots continues to grow.

Ryanair is continuing its recognition discussions with BALPA, the UK pilot union, but had agreed with BALPA that these pay increases should not be delayed by these recognition negotiations, which are “proceeding quickly,” Ryanair said.

Ryanair and BALPA agreed to offer these pay increases to the six out of 15 UK bases (including Stansted) which had not previously accepted them.

The majority of Ryanair’s pilots in Ireland have already agreed to these pay increases voting in secret ballot at the Cork and Shannon bases, and a majority of pilots in Dublin who are contractors or new joiners have already agreed them. 

Ryanair had asked the remaining Dublin pilots to vote on this large pay increase on or before January 17th so that they could be paid in next week’s January payroll. 

“Ryanair is disappointed that no such vote was organised among the remaining 35 per cent of Dublin pilots who will now not receive this pay increase in the January payroll,” the carrier said in a statement.

“Ryanair is continuing to negotiate with FORSA and its Ryanair Irish Pilots Council, but these discussions are progressing slowly.”

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