Norwegian carries 2.3m passengers in January | News


Norwegian carried more than 2.3 million passengers in January, an increase of 11 per cent compared to the same month previous year.

The growth is primarily driven by international expansion, with a 55 per cent growth, the intercontinental routes constitute the highest share.

A total of 2,333,932 passengers chose to fly with Norwegian in January, 223,356 more passengers than the same period last year.

The total traffic growth increased by 29 per cent, and the capacity growth increased by 30 per cent.

The load factor was 82 percent, down one percentage point.

“We are very pleased with the continued passenger growth in January, a month traditionally characterised by less demand.

“The global expansion continues with the strongest growth on routes between Europe and the US.

“This winter, we once again offer flights between the US East Coast and the French Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, enabling better fleet utilisation during the low season in Europe,” said chief executive of Norwegian, Bjørn Kjos.

Norwegian operated 98.9 per cent of the scheduled flights in January, whereof 72.4 percent departed on time.

The on-time performance was heavily influenced by the weather situation in Oslo, London and New York.


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