Boeing reaches Air Force One deal with president Trump | News

Boeing has reached an agreement with American president Donald Trump to build two new Air Force One planes.

The deal, valued at $3.9bn, comes despite previous opposition from Trump, who had argued the planes are too expensive.

In a statement, the US manufacturing giant said: “Boeing is proud to build the next generation of Air Force One, providing American Presidents with a flying White House at outstanding value to taxpayers.”

The company added: “President Trump negotiated a good deal on behalf of the American people.”

A Boeing official said the price included fitting out the two 747-8 planes with a communications suite each, internal and external stairs, and large galleys and other equipment.

The planes, designed to be an airborne White House, ae able to fly in worst-case security scenarios.

They are modified with military avionics, advanced communications, and a self-defence system.

Trump said the deal would save $1.4 billion for the American taxpayer.

However, this has not been independently verified, with the price appearing similar that negotiated under the previous Obama administration.

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